Pre-Boxing Day Sale
16novAll Day23decPre-Boxing Day SaleNo need to wait for boxing day sales!
Event Details
MarkRockOn Lapidary Supplies is having a pre-Christmas sale. 20% off Moldavite and sterling silver jewelry. 20% off Equipment and grit/polish in stock. 30% off Equipment accessories including drill bits, saw blades,
Event Details
MarkRockOn Lapidary Supplies is having a pre-Christmas sale.
20% off Moldavite and sterling silver jewelry.
20% off Equipment and grit/polish in stock.
30% off Equipment accessories including drill bits, saw blades, diamond wheels/plates etc. in stock.
50% off all finished stock, amethyst cathedrals, fossil tables, jewelry. fossils, gems, etc.
$60 kg for grape agate, Regular price $180 per kg.
70% off rough rock.
The first time we have had everything in the store on sale and just in time to buy that special gift for Christmas. No need to wait for boxing day sales at MarkRockOn Lapidary Supplies.
November 16, 2023 - December 23, 2023 (All Day)(GMT-07:00)
MarkRockOn Lapidary Supplies
2556 Montrose Avenue
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